Archive | November 2013

Wednesday Weigh In

I’m actually writing this post on Tuesday morning, because I’ll be in New York City Wednesday recovering from a girls’ night seeing Rick Springfield in concert.  Woohoo for me!

Six days from my last weigh in and I am down only slightly, 0.2 lbs.  I’m a little disappointed to be honest.  I had a good week.  We had dinner at my cousin’s on Sunday, and while that normally turns into a night of drinking and poor choices, I was very careful, drank tons of water, and didn’t overindulge.  It was great practice for the upcoming week.

That being said, I had a big “Non Scale Victory” (NSV) yesterday.  I was reaching in the back of my closet for clothes, because some of my usual choices are actually getting a little too big.  I pulled out a pair of pants that I haven’t been able to wear in four and a half years (I know, because the last time I wore them was to see Rick Springfield and that was in April, 2009).  They were snug then.   I remember I weighed somewhere within five pounds of where I am now, so I thought, let me try them.

They fit perfectly, even a little on the looser side.  I couldn’t believe it.  It was a great sign that while my weight is slowly moving, my body is changing shape from all of the bootcamp workouts I have been doing.  I still am really enjoying the classes.  And I am still running on my off days.  So that was a big win for me going into the coming week.

People have been telling me that they can see that I am losing, and I often will push it aside knowing that it isn’t “that much”.  But it was nice to get that reinforcement in my clothes yesterday.

In the next six days I will have the challenge of:  restaurant meals (today in NYC!), traveling via plane, TWO Thanksgiving meals (one with husband’s family, one with mine) and then a wedding on Saturday.  My goal is to make smart choices and enjoy the meals.  I would love to simply just maintain.  I do plan on exercising while traveling.  It’s going to be a challenge, but my head is in a good place right now, so I think I’ll be OK.

Current Week: -0.2 lbs
Total Weight Left To Lose:  13 lbs
Age:  43
BMI:  27.9

Wednesday Weigh In

Things are looking better this week.  I dropped 0.4 lbs off of last week’s gigantic gain and my back is feeling much stronger than it did a week ago.  I’m back in class and running again, so I feel pretty good about that.

Of course I would have liked to have seen a bigger drop after gaining so much last week, but I completely own it.  I made my choices this week:  some good, some not so good.  My head feels like I’m in a much better place, truly paying attention again so I know I’ll get back to where I was.

Thanksgiving is coming next week, which will be a food fest.  For me it is magnified because my brother is getting married that weekend.  That means not one but two Thanksgiving dinners with family we aren’t usually able to see on this holiday and a wedding meal.  My goal is to run on the Friday and Saturday that we aren’t traveling.  If I can, a walk on Thanksgiving, too, but since we’re traveling that day, that might be a pipe dream.  We’ll see how it goes.

Our bootcamp class is ending our Thanksgiving Weight Loss Challenge on Friday.  I will be down from the start of the journey, but I am sure I won’t be the winner.  I’m OK with that.  Things are moving in the right direction.

Current Week: -0.4 lbs
Total Weight Left To Lose:  13.2 lbs
Age:  43
BMI:  28

Wednesday Weigh In: Mostly Backwards

Yikes.  I knew the scale would be up today but it’s a kick in the pants for sure to see it read a number THREE WHOLE POUNDS higher than last week.

I needed that kick.  I was sliding out of the good habits I’ve spent the last few weeks forming.  More drinking, less careful snacking, larger portions, less water.  Was it three pounds of bad behavior?  Probably not, but I hurt my back last Friday, and I haven’t exercised since.  The calories I would have burnt running and exercising in the last five days could have equaled half of that number, easily.

So crap.  Lost a fair amount of ground that I’d staked in this weight loss journey.  And not great timing for my weight loss challenge at bootcamp class, which ends next week.  If the scale is this much higher at home, it’ll be higher there too.  Blech.  I need to remember this crappy feeling when I go to reach for the salty popcorn (which isn’t bad in small portions but the three bowls I’d had on Monday…probably not the best choices) or the second scoop of guacamole.

Also, the back thing.  I don’t know what the heck I did.  It feels like sciatica and it came out of no where.  I have been taking it easy since class on Friday and while it is now bearable, it’s still not gone.  I’m going to exercise for the first time today since Friday and just try and modify as much as I can.  I need a win going into the holidays in a few weeks, need that mojo back to make the good choices and feel strong and healthy.  Because I know all too well from this week, from any holiday I’ve ever gone through, that if I don’t have my wits about me, five pounds will come out of nowhere….and they’ll sit right on my backside.

Current Week: +3 lbs
Total Weight Left To Lose:  13.6 lbs
Age:  43
BMI:  28 (ugh….didn’t want to be back in the 28s)

Quick Wednesday Weigh In

As I am posting this I realize I still haven’t done a race recap for the Vicki Soto 5K I ran this weekend.  An amazing event that I definitely want to get written up so I need to remember to do that later today or tomorrow.

It’s been a busy week.  I have been running for our local Board of Education and between that, kids’ activities, the 5K and a traveling husband, it’s been a whirlwind.  But when I am busy I am not sitting on my sofa eating, and so that translated into a good week at the scale.

I am starting to really see the results of the last few weeks of drops on the scale.  My clothes definitely are getting looser and I have more stamina during my bootcamp classes. I can feel the difference in my head when I go to grab a snack:  it is getting easier to make the right choices than it was a few weeks ago.  I love the feeling of being in control and things finally starting to go my way.

Also, today I noticed my BMI is 27.5.  That is a big milestone for me.  It is exactly halfway between obese and normal weight.  To get on the other side of that number means I’m closer to normal weight than obese for the first time in five years.  Next week I want to be there!

Current Week: -1.2 lbs
Total Weight Left To Lose:  10.6 lbs
Age:  43
BMI:  27.5

**Oh, I realize that I mentioned running for election but never mentioned the outcome.  Yesterday was Election Day.  I won the seat on the Board of Education that I was running for.   I drank and ate cookies to celebrate, which isn’t good, but I planned for it by going light on the food earlier and actually running to cast my vote (literally jogging to the polling place).  Back on track today, though.