Archive | October 2018

Wednesday Weigh In

Previous Weigh In 158.8
Today: 158.6
Two Week Weight Loss:  0.2 lbs
Total Weight Loss: 16.4 lbs

Starting to feel like I’m getting into a groove.  Back in a routine of activity with my school schedule.  Obviously I’m not losing right now, but I’m OK with maintaining for the last few weeks which have been busy.

At this point I’m backing off of the Fast Metabolism Diet a bit.  I’m still mostly following foods that are on plan, with a small amount of dairy thrown in.  I’m very loosely following the phases, but allowing myself a few more fruits and veg than are on the Phase 2 lists, and probably a little less fat than is normal for Phase 3.  Still keeping the foods that I know are good for me that I really enjoy (chocolate spinach smoothie, mug cakes, etc).  I had put on a few pounds (found myself above 160 there for a minute) but I pulled it back in and am back within a pound of my low point this summer.

For now, I’m keeping to swimming at least once a week (now that it is fall our local HS has open swim in the evening, which is much easier for me than driving to the Y 25 min away), run/walking 1-2 times a week, yoga at least once and strength at least once.  I’ve done some hiking which I really like.  And walking as much as I can at work.  That feels doable and structured enough for me.

I don’t have any real goals at this point other than to maintain my fitness level from tri training and lose some more weight.  I hesitate to put a time frame on that, but it would be nice to be down from where I am for the holidays.  Ideally I would like to drop another 20 pounds total…maybe by next spring?  That technically would still keep me at an overweight BMI, but I know from past experience I would feel good at that weight while still living my life.  Can I get there now that I’m working and have less time to exercise?  I hope so.