Archive | January 2013

Back to Reality

Well it’s New Year’s Day and it’s time for a reality check.  Obviously those four pounds I lost before break are probably back.  I’ll officially weigh in tomorrow, accept the number, and move on.  I’m not going to let it get to me.

The scale is up.  But so is my training and motivation.

I’m running my second 10K in four days, a run through New York’s Central Park.  Unlike my first, I feel very prepared.  Even while I was away last week, squeezed in one 6.42 mile run and walked or ran most days.  This morning, since there is snow on the ground, I ran 5K on my treadmill.  It felt honestly fantastic.  I totally felt like I was “in the zone”.

And I realized, running there, minute after minute, mile after mile, that I wasn’t stopping.  That I could run 3.1 miles on my treadmill without stopping and that it feels actually good.  How amazing is that.  When I started running last year, on the treadmill, I imagined that day when I could run at an “easy pace” and let the miles just fall in place.  I mean, it still isn’t easy by any stretch.  I still play that mental game in my head (especially on the treadmill):  “am I done yet”  “maybe I should walk for a bit”  “no you aren’t going to walk, you’re only two miles in” “but I feel a little tired”.  But what a confidence boost to realize that I am actually sticking with this.  That I want to do this.  That it feels good.

So back to reality.  Time for better food choices, a routine, and structure.  No more “maybe just one mores”.  I enjoyed the break.  But I’m done. It’s time to get back to moving forward.